
The services of Kalamazoo Valley’s two convenient libraries are designed to support and enrich teaching and learning. Print, electronic, and audiovisual materials are all available, and the professional staff is eager to help you identify and access the resources you need. Librarian assistance, research databases, electronic books, and the online catalog are available 24 hours a day via the Libraries’ website,
Together, the Texas Township Campus and Arcadia Commons Campus Libraries offer more than 80 online research databases with access to several million journal articles; more than 170,000 books, of which over 110,000 are e-books; over 5,000 audiovisual materials; and, 170-plus periodicals.
Access and Borrowing: A current active Kalamazoo Valley ID card is required to borrow materials from the Libraries. Students may check out books for three weeks and renew them up to two times. Periodicals, reference books, 2-hour course reserves, and audiovisual materials may be used in-house only. Library materials are delivered between the two campus libraries every weekday. You are responsible for all items checked out with your ID card. There is no charge for library material returned by the due date. A fine and/or replacement fee is charged for late or lost items.
Other Services: The KVCC Libraries offer interlibrary loan services. As well, professional librarians are available to assist you, and both Libraries offer computers, printers, scanners, and coin-operated copy machines for student use. Text-enlargers are available for those with low vision, and both locations are wheelchair-accessible. The Texas Township Library also offers group study rooms, group and individual audiovisual viewing locations, drafting tables, and a color printer.
The Texas Township Campus Library is located in Rooms 3210 and 8420, with entrances on both floors. The phone number is 269.488.4328.
The Arcadia Commons Campus Library is located in Room 321 of Anna Whitten Hall in downtown Kalamazoo. The phone number is 269.373.7848.
Library hours are posted on the Libraries home page. Contact either library or visit the Kalamazoo Valley Libraries website at for more information.
Student Service Center
This “one-stop shop” for information about Kalamazoo Valley programs, services and facilities is based inside the north or “flag” entrance to the Texas Township Campus and the west or Rose Street entrance to Anna Whitten Hall on the downtown Kalamazoo Arcadia Commons Campus. The locations and purposes of these centers are designed for the ease of accessibility to basic services and guidance for students. They provide students one resource to disseminate relative information or to direct them to appropriate areas for more in-depth assistance.
At the Student Service Center, students will receive assistance using the self-service features provided inside the My Valley information portal on the Valley website. The center’s “generalists” determine student needs, answer basic questions, and issue student ID cards. They will also schedule appointments for students to attend orientation sessions, meet with academic counselors, or consult with financial aid advisers.
The Student Service Center is located inside the main entrance of the Texas Township Campus and in the lobby of Anna Whitten Hall on the Arcadia Commons Campus. Their telephone numbers are, respectively, 269.488.4100 and 269.373.7800.
Student Identification
Student ID cards are necessary for the use of the computer labs, testing center, wellness and fitness center, locker rooms, and swimming pool. Faculty may require students to show their KVCC issued ID card as a condition of participation in class.
There is not a charge for the initial ID card issued to a student; however there is a $10 replacement fee for damaged, lost, or stolen cards.
Kalamazoo Valley ID cards are issued by the Student Service Center on both the Texas Township and Arcadia Commons campuses. Valid government picture identification is a prerequisite for the issuing of an ID card.
The ID card is active from the first day of the semester a student is registered for to the final day of that semester. This ID is valid for all subsequent semesters that the student is registered.
No person shall possess a Kalamazoo Valley ID that is issued to another. No person shall loan, or allow another person to use their ID.
Student ID cards are the property of the college, and may be cancelled or revoked for misuse.
Kalamazoo Valley students, as a condition of enrollment, shall provide their Kalamazoo Valley ID to a Public Safety Officer or Kalamazoo Valley staff member upon request.
Student Success Services
At Kalamazoo Valley Community College, it’s all about you. From academic and career advising to tutoring, mentoring and more than 20 different clubs and activities, Student Success Services has something for everyone. Student success is the ultimate goal, and we're here to help.
Programs and services vary by campus. Call 269.488.4040 or email for more information.
Texas Township Campus
Room 9200
Arcadia Commons Campus
Room 109 (AWH)
Bronson Healthy Living Campus
Room 211 (CAH)
Student Success Services includes the following:
Advising and Counseling
Kalamazoo Promise Services
Learning Center
Library Services
Life Resources
Multicultural Services
Office for Student Access
Prior Learning Assessment
Student Employment Services
Student Internships
Student Organizations and Activities
Student Strengths Development
Testing Services
Transfer Resource Services
Veteran Services