Admission Procedures

Kalamazoo Valley Community College prohibits any discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, religion, or any other protected characteristic.

Believing that each person has the right to an opportunity to reach one's highest individual potential, Kalamazoo Valley Community College serves students of varying abilities and backgrounds. The major requirement is that the individuals be prepared to study and apply themselves so as to gain full advantage of the opportunities offered.

Admission to Kalamazoo Valley Community College is a privilege that carries with it certain responsibilities. The Institution reserves the right to cancel enrollment and to require withdrawal whenever it becomes evident that the student is not conforming to the Institution's standards of scholarship and conduct.

Admission to the Institution does not guarantee registration/enrollment in all courses or eligibility to be admitted to all programs of study. Many courses have prerequisite requirements and some curricula have specific admittance requirements.

Except as otherwise permitted pursuant to this policy, the following are the requirements for admission to Kalamazoo Valley Community College:

  1. Graduation from an accredited high school and submission of standardized test scores. Certain departments may require submission of a high school transcript to complete the application process for specific programs (i.e. Dental Hygiene or Respiratory Care).
  2. Persons who do not have a high school diploma may also apply by submitting evidence of their readiness to pursue the desired studies.
  3. Foreign students may be admitted after providing:
    1. Evidence of adequate proficiency in English, and
    2. Verification that the applicant will have sufficient funds to meet total living and education expenses while attending Kalamazoo Valley Community College.

For the purposes of this policy, the term "student" shall mean those persons who are:

  1. Enrolled in one or more classes at Kalamazoo Valley Community College through the prescribed registration process, including the payment of appropriate tuition and fees.
  2. Required to take a licensing examination as a precondition to engaging in the profession or vocation for which they have received training at Kalamazoo Valley Community College but who are no longer taking courses or actively engaged in a program of study sponsored by or offered under the auspices of the Institution, provided any such licensing examination is taken at the first available date following graduation from KVCC in the course of study or program to which the licensing examination is related.

Persons will maintain the status of a student until such time as they withdraw from all classes or are otherwise not engaged in any program of study sponsored by or offered under the auspices of the Institution or no longer meet the Institution's standards of scholarship and conduct.

Individuals who are in default on a financial obligation to Kalamazoo Valley Community College, as of the first day of the semester in which they seek to enroll, may be denied admission until such financial obligation has been fully satisfied or until alternative payment arrangements satisfactory to Kalamazoo Valley Community College have been arranged.