Student Success Services

At Kalamazoo Valley Community College, it’s all about you. From academic and career advising to tutoring, mentoring and more than 20 different clubs and activities, Student Success Services has something for everyone. Student success is the ultimate goal, and we're here to help.

Programs and services vary by campus. Call 269.488.4040 or email for more information.

Texas Township Campus

Room 9300


Arcadia Commons Campus

Room 109 (AWH)


Bronson Healthy Living Campus

Room 211 (CAH)



Student Success Services includes the following:

Advising and Counseling


Kalamazoo Promise Services

Learning Center

Library Services

Life Resources

Multicultural Services

Office for Student Access

Prior Learning Assessment

Student Employment Services

Student Internships

Student Organizations and Activities

Student Strengths Development

Testing Services

Transfer Resource Services

Veteran Services

Advising and Counseling

Assists with pathway advising, course selections, career exploration and planning as well as personal counseling needs.

For more information, call 269.488.4040 (TTC), 269.373.7800 (ACC), 269.548.3300 (BHLC) or email


Works with companies to establish apprenticeship programs as well as assists students who are employed as apprentices through the registration process. Answers questions for students who are interested in becoming an apprentice in the skilled trades, such as electrical technology, welding, engineering/manufacturing, and industrial technology.

For more information, call 269.488.4040 or email

Kalamazoo Promise Services

Offers academic and student support to Kalamazoo Promise eligible students. Kalamazoo Promise services assists students in successfully completing their academic goals at Kalamazoo Valley and connects them with activities and programs in the community. Students can schedule recurring appointments to stay updated on their academic progress to help ensure successful goal completion.

For more information, call 269.488.4040 or email

Learning Center

Offers a variety of services to enhance student learning. One-on-one and group tutoring is available, as well as course-specific study groups and workshops. Tutors are available in writing, math, science, foreign language, and business classes and other academic areas both on a drop-in basis and by appointment.

For more information, call 269.488.4397 (TTC), 269.373.7815 (ACC), or email

Library Services

The Kalamazoo Valley libraries provide research support to students, offering classroom instruction, database assistance, and citation training. Both the Texas Township Campus and Arcadia Commons Campus libraries feature computer work stations, scanners, copiers, and printers. The Texas Township library has study rooms available. The Library also provides free access to some required course materials, such as textbooks and digital cameras, through Course Reserves. 

For more information, call 269.488.4328 (TTC) or 269.373.7848 (ACC).

Life Resources

Connects students with college and community resources to find solutions to non-academic needs such as housing, transportation, childcare, food assistance, and healthcare.

For more information, call 269.488.4040 or email

Multicultural Services

Designed to assist underrepresented students at Kalamazoo Valley by providing academic and educational support services. Initiatives include leadership development through co-curricular activities - such as Brother 2 Brother and Sister 2 Sister - educate, challenge, and enhance development.

For more information, call 269.488.4779 or email transfer_multicultural

Office for Student Access

Provides educational accessibility and other support to students with disabilities who are currently attending or planning to attend Kalamazoo Valley. Services provided include advising, counseling, advocacy, and accommodations.

For more information, call 269.488.4397, TTD 269.488.4358, or email

Prior Learning Assessment

Coordinates the assessment of prior learning, such as education acquired through work-place training, seminars, certificate/license completion, and/or military services that may be eligible for college credit.

For more information, call 269.488.4040 or email

Student Employment Services

Offers assistance with resume writing, cover letters, interviewing, job shadowing, and employment opportunities. Collaborates with local employers for campus recruiting and pathway specific career information.

For more information, call 269.488.4040 or email

Student Internships

Coordinates on-the-job learning experiences with organizations for students seeking an internship. Internships are designed to provide students with the opportunity to apply knowledge gained in the classroom in a work environment and receive college credit for it. Internships may be paid or unpaid. In some cases, for students currently working in a job related to their program of study, the job may be approved as an internship experience.

For more information, call 269.488.4040 or email

Student Organizations and Activities

Get connected and experience college outside of the classroom through Student Organizations and Activities. With more than 20 student organizations on campus, including Soccer Club, Phi Theta Kappa, Associate of Information Technology, and Dance Club, students are encouraged to join an existing organization or start one of their own. Fun and educational activities include Cougar Connection, visiting authors and speakers, and financial and personal well-being workshops.

For more information, call 269.488.4825 or email success

Student Strengths Development

Uses the Gallup StrengthsQuest tool to help students discover their “Top Five” strengths and apply those strengths in academics, career planning, and personal goal setting. Grounded in Positive Psychology, it has helped more than a million people at 800+ schools and universities achieve academic, career, and personal success.

For more information, call 269.488.4040 or email

Testing Services

Administers tests including placement tests, makeup exams, online testing, exams for college credit, and an assortment of nationally recognized assessments in a comfortable, secure environment with flexible hours. The Testing Center can be used as an alternative to traditional classroom testing with instructor permission.

For more information, call 269.488.4235 (TTC), 269.373.7836 (ACC), or email

Transfer Resource Services

Provides information, referrals, and campus tours to assist students in successfully selecting and transferring to colleges and universities after completing their education at Kalamazoo Valley. Other services offered include: transfer workshops, on-site admissions, and referrals to contact people on other campuses poised to help.

For more information, call 269.488.4779 or email

Veteran Services

Serves as the central point of contact for students who have served, or are actively serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. Facilitates access to college and community resources as well as a student’s transition to Kalamazoo Valley. A veteran lounge provides a space for student veterans to study, connect, relax, and access veteran-specific resources.

For more information, call 269.488.4040 or email