Frequently Asked Questions

Is it hard to get admitted to Kalamazoo Valley?

Applying to Kalamazoo Valley Community College is free and very easy to do. At Kalamazoo Valley we believe that each person has the right to an opportunity to reach his or her highest potential. We open our doors to students with a wide range of abilities and backgrounds. Kalamazoo Valley grants admission to all persons who show an ability to benefit from our courses.

How much does it cost? Can I afford to attend Kalamazoo Valley?

Kalamazoo Valley is very affordable. We consistently have one of the lowest tuition and fee structures in Michigan. We also offer a payment plan. Tuition is charged per contact hour. Some courses will have lab fees associated with them while others such as art courses may require you to purchase supplies. Many classes will also require you to purchase textbooks.

Is financial assistance available?

There are numerous options for those who qualify, including scholarships, grants, loans, veteran benefits and work opportunities. It is important that students applying for student aid complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at as soon as possible for the appropriate award year. We encourage you to apply and to meet with our experienced advisors in financial aid. They can answer your questions, help you complete your paperwork, and inform you of a broad array of options.

Will my classes transfer to another institution?

Kalamazoo Valley credits are accepted by accredited colleges and universities. In most cases you must have earned a 2.0 grade in a college-level course that is applicable to your degree program. It is best to meet with one of our academic counselors to choose the right courses and to get specific information about transfer requirements. Our counselors maintain communication with Michigan colleges to ensure they are basing their recommendations on the most up-to-date information.

Can I take classes if I’m still in high school?

Yes. Kalamazoo Valley participates in the Post Secondary Enrollment Options Act that allows high school students to attend college courses approved by their high school. We also welcome those students who wish to take advantage of our courses on their own to transfer for high school requirements, or to get an early start on their college education. We strongly encourage you to speak with your high school counselor as your first step.

Can I receive credit for life or work experience?

Kalamazoo Valley recognizes that all learning is valuable. Learning can occur anytime and anyplace. You may be eligible to earn college credit for what you already know. Let the Prior Learning Assessment Office help you decide if you are a candidate. Please call 269.488.4040 for more information.

Do I have time to take classes?

Being a college student doesn’t have to be a five-day-a-week commitment. We have classes that meet days, evenings and on the weekends. Many courses meet just one evening a week! You can even take classes from the comfort of your home with web and hybrid courses.

Can I tour your campuses?

We would be thrilled to show off our campuses while answering your questions, so don’t hesitate to schedule a tour. Be sure to let us know if you have a special interest, so we can include it as part of your tour. Call the office of Enrollment Management at 269.488.4303 or email to schedule an appointment. For Career Academy tours, please call 269.353.1253 or email

What do I do if I have special needs?

Office for Student Access provides educational accessibility and other support to students with disabilities who are currently attending or planning to attend Kalamazoo Valley. Services provided include advising, counseling, advocacy and accommodations. For more information, call 269.488.4397, TTD 269.488.4358, or email