Transfer Degree Requirements
Nearly all bachelor’s degree programs require certain general education courses as well as specific major or pre-major courses. These general education courses, available at Kalamazoo Valley, are grouped into the following areas: English/communication, humanities/fine arts, science/mathematics, political/social science, and wellness/physical education.
The type of degree program in which the student is enrolled determines the number of required courses in each general education area.
Within this catalog you will find samples of programs that include general education courses that transfer to various colleges and universities within Michigan. If you are interested in transferring but do not see a program that fits your interest area, be sure to see a Kalamazoo Valley advisor or counselor who can provide you with a transfer program of study. And if you know you want to transfer but are undecided about a special field of study, work with a counselor or advisor who will help you choose general education courses that will meet degree requirements.
Colleges and universities periodically change requirements to their programs. They reserve the right to make changes in transfer requirements without prior notification. However, the Kalamazoo Valley counselors and advisors are kept informed of these changes and can help you develop a program that is current for transfer. To be assured that courses will meet the requirements of the transfer institution, be sure to meet with a Kalamazoo Valley counselor or advisor. It is the responsibility of each student to verify transfer requirements with the intended transfer school.
It is recommended that you to see a counselor or advisor regarding your program of study. Make an appointment by stopping at the Student Service Center on the Texas Township Campus (TTC) or at Anna Whitten Hall on the Arcadia Commons Campus (ACC) or by calling 269.488.4040.