Student Identification

Student ID cards may be necessary for the use of the computer labs, testing center, wellness and fitness center, locker rooms, and swimming pool. In addition, student ID cards will be needed for parking validation and door access at our downtown campuses. Faculty may require students to show their KVCC issued ID card as a condition of participation in class.

ID cards are free of charge. Replacement fees are $10 in case of damage, lost, or stolen card.

Kalamazoo Valley ID cards are issued in person by appointment, drop in, or electronically via our virtual ID station. When using the virtual ID station, IDs will be mailed to students following verification of student information and current registration. We produce your student ID card virtually using the Virtual Student Information Center in your MyValley account. Once we verify your information, we will link your photo to class rosters and send your ID in the mail.

You must be signed up for classes for the semester before you will receive your ID. The ID card is active from the first day of the semester a student is registered for to the final day of that semester. This ID is valid for all subsequent semesters that the student is registered.

No person shall possess a Kalamazoo Valley ID that is issued to another. No person shall loan or allow another person to use their ID. Student ID cards are the property of the college, and may be cancelled or revoked for misuse. Kalamazoo Valley students, as a condition of enrollment, shall provide their Kalamazoo Valley ID to a Public Safety Officer or Kalamazoo Valley staff member upon request.