Communication, AA
The study of communication is an academic discipline that deals with processes of human communication and behavior. The discipline encompasses a range of topics, from face-to-face conversation to mass media outlets such as television broadcasting and journalism.
This program is designed for students who intend to transfer to a four-year college or university. Requirements may be updated prior to the start of the Fall 2024 semester. Students completing this program should consult a counselor or advisor to develop their degree plan and for registration advice.
Associate of Arts
Required Courses
COM 101 | Public Speaking | 3 |
COM 113 | Interpersonal Communication | 3 |
ENG 110 | College Writing I | 3 |
| or | |
ENG 160 | College Writing & Research | 4 |
| Foreign Language | 8 |
| Humanities/Fine Arts | 6 |
| Mathematics | 3 |
| Political Science | 3 |
| Science | 8 |
| Social Science | 6 |
| Wellness/Physical Education | 2 |
| Communication Elective Courses | 9 |
| Elective Courses | 8 |
Minimum Total Credits: 62
Transfer Notes: This degree program is designed to be a transfer option for a bachelor’s degree with a major in communication. This is a broad area of study with several different options, such as communication studies, film/video/media studies, interpersonal communication, digital media/journalism, strategic communication, public relations, and telecommunication and information management.