Academic Probation

The Kalamazoo Valley Community College Academic Probation Policy is intended to ensure consistency and fairness and target student support in order to increase the opportunity for more KVCC students to attain their academic goals.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is defined as meeting minimum academic standards to assure successful achievement of KVCC graduation requirements. To this end the following policy has been adopted.

Satisfactory Academic Progress/Academic Good Standing = Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 or greater.

Students must complete a minimum of 12-credit hours before being evaluated under this policy.

Academic Warning

  • Cumulative GPA is less than 2.0.

  • Students with less than a 2.0 GPA will be notified through their KVCC email, text message, pop-up screens when accessing the KVCC website, instructor notification, and 1st class mail.

  • Students must meet with a counselor by the following dates and develop a shared Academic Improvement Plan:

    • Following the fall semester, the hold will go into effect on February 1st

    • Following the winter semester, the hold will go into effect on June 1st

    • Following the summer semester, the hold will go into effect on October 1st

  • Registration will be restricted to no more than twelve (12) credit-hours for the next enrolled semester and no online courses will be permitted.
  • Students must attend and successfully complete a face-to-face TRS 105, College Success Strategies, course.

  • At the discretion of the academic counselor TRS 105 can be waived and/or a substitute identified.

  • Once a student has achieved an overall GPA of 2.0 or greater (not semester-based) the academic warning status will be lifted.

Academic Probation

  • Academic Warning protocol has been met and the student’s semester GPA is less than a 2.0 during this period.

  • Students with less than a 2.0 GPA will be notified through their KVCC email, text message, pop-up screens when accessing the KVCC website, instructor notification, and 1st class mail.

  • If a student does not achieve an overall semester GPA of 2.0 or greater further registration will be blocked until released only after meeting with the academic counselor.

  • Registration is restricted to no more than nine (9) credit-hours for the next enrolled semester and no online courses will be permitted. Students requesting and/or required to register for more than nine (9) credit hours will need to make an appeal to the Executive VP for Instruction and Student Success Services.

  • Students must attend and successfully complete an Academic Basic Training (ABT) workshop (note – this workshop is noncredit). At the discretion of the academic counselor the Academic Basic Training (ABT) workshop can be waived and/or a substitute identified.

  • Once a student has achieved a semester-based GPA of 2.0 or greater the academic probation status will be lifted and the student will be moved to an academic warning status.

Academic Dismissal

  • Academic Probation protocol has been met and the student’s semester GPA during the Academic Probation status is less than a 2.0.

  • Students with less than a 2.0 GPA will be notified through their KVCC email, text message, pop-up screens when accessing the KVCC website, instructor notification, and 1st class mail.

  • Students meeting academic dismissal criteria will be dismissed at the end of the semester after grades have been posted.

  • Students must meet with an academic counselor and review/revise their AIP and establish alternative success strategies.

  • A hold will be placed on the student’s account until the student meets with the academic counselor. In all cases the student will be dismissed in the semester following academic dismissal (fall, winter, or summer).

  • Once permitted to return to the college the student will remain on Dismissal Reinstatement and must demonstrate consistent satisfactory progress to meet GPA requirements.

  • Registration will be restricted to no more than six (6) credit-hours for the next allowed enrollment semester and no online courses will be permitted.

  • Continued failure to meet SAP may place the student at risk of progressive dismissal from the college.

  • Upon return and once a student has achieved a semester-based GPA of 2.0 or greater, the student will be moved to academic probation status.

NOTES: A student may appeal at any point in the process. The initial appeal will be made in writing to the Advising/Counseling Office. A review board will be established to address academic appeals related to this policy.