Course Grades

At the conclusion of each course, a student’s grade is determined based on such factors as the quality, quantity, and speed of the academic work. The grade becomes part of a permanent transcript that can be viewed inside My Valley on the Kalamazoo Valley website. Questions should be directed to the instructor. Students have one year to make corrections to their academic record or seek a change in a grade from an instructor.

Kalamazoo Valley uses a numerical grading system that is defined as follows:

4.0 Outstanding

3.5 Much better than average

3.0 Better than average

2.5 Slightly better than average

2.0 Average

1.5 Less than average

1.0 Poor

0.0 Failing

I Incomplete —at least two-thirds of work is completed at a passing level, but course objectives are not yet met. This grade is given at the discretion of the instructor.

W Withdraw —the student indicated the intent not to complete the class. This grade has no bearing on the student’s Kalamazoo Valley grade-point average.

V Audit —the student completed the class as an auditor and therefore may have elected not to take the required exams. No grade is assigned. The Kalamazoo Valley grade-point average is not affected.

CR —Credit for satisfactory completion

NC —No credit

S —Successful completion of a non-credit class

NS —Non-successful completion of a non-credit class

Kalamazoo Valley expects students to maintain a minimum 2.0 grade-point average for graduation and provides a full range of counseling, tutoring, and academic-support services to accomplish that result. Financial aid students may be placed on Financial Aid Warning Status if their grade-point average falls below this minimum. Grades will be available on the web approximately four business days after the semester ends.