EDMT 225 Comp Aided Simulation w/FEA

(Contact Hours: 7) This is a course introducing various concepts of CAD (Computer Aided Design) and CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) as applied to mechanical design problems. Topics include modeling and simulation techniques, importing various CAD model formats, assembly animation, static and dynamic simulation, linear and nonlinear FEA (finite element analysis), contact, impact, thermal, and multi-physics analysis. The computer simulation topics and techniques are intended to analyze the robustness and performance of components and assemblies before a product is produced. The laboratory component involves use of current CAD/CAE software packages which may include: Pro/E and Pro/MECHANICA by PTC Inc., SolidWorks, Working Model, or Inventor. Recommended prerequisite: EDMT 210 and EDMT 215. Minimum benchmarks will be enforced.
